Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#434 - Someone is Asking Me for Advice
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, someone has asked me for advice. Typically, I give out advice only after giving the question a few seconds of consideration. It is natural for me to presume I have the capacity to give someone valuable advice without giving it much thought. I am God. I don't ask follow-up questions to get more detail. I don't seek to get the whole picture. I don't ask the person for context. I don't ask them about where they are emotionally and spiritually. I don't ask the person how they have inquired of God and what they think they heard You say. I don't ask the person for pros and cons. I don't pray about my answer. I simply tell them what comes to my head and quickly excuse myself to get back to what I was doing before. Father, how I respond to requests for advice reveals the state of my heart. Am I my own god? Can I handle this on my own without consulting you? Father, help me to be more responsible when someone asks me for advice. May I be reminded to ask You for the answer I am to give the person. May the lessons You have taught me find application in this person's life. May I lead them in prayer about the decision they must make. If I don't know the answer to give them, may I say so. An "I don't know but let's ask God together" may be the godliest thing to say. Amen.

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