Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#606 - Help Our Families Blend
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, my family is going to blend with the family of my spouse. It's both of our second marriages. Father, this will not be easy. - We need Your grace as we are families torn apart by divorce, unfaithfulness, or death. The families may not have experienced the same nightmare. We need grace to understand each family's pain. - My kids and my spouse's kids now have stepparents and stepsiblings. That's a huge challenge all by itself. The kids now must accept a new authority in their life and that won't be easy. Both of us must agree on the values, rules, and consequences for misbehavior in the family. - We will need to spend time together, getting to trust and know each other. - We need to respect our past marriages and our former spouses (especially in the case of a death). - The kids from one family may have more belongings than the kids in the other family. - The kids may be at dissimilar stages of healing and maturity. - We must juggle loving our step-children without our original children feeling neglected. My new spouse and I ask for forgiveness for all that we did wrong in our first marriages. We ask for forgiveness for our rebellion from You. We want to surrender our lives and our new marriage to You. We want the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts so that we are both showing genuine love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, perseverance, grace, mercy, generosity, and kindness. We will need these traits for the success of our new marriage. Our children will need us to live this way. Father, there is nothing easy about the blending of families. Therefore, we need You. Please address each one of these issues for us. We ask that our new combined family will be a blessing to every member. Amen.

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