#608 - We Lost Our Baby
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
God, I hate You. I hate You. I hate You. What kind of God are you? You give us a precious and adorable baby. You fill us with such incredible joy and happiness. We spent hours staring into their eyes. Our hearts melted as they smiled. We loved their wonderful little hands and feet wiggling, getting ready to one-day play with a ball in the backyard. We dreamed about watching them grow from infants to full-grown adults. And You took them away? Why bother giving us a baby then? Why take our baby? There are so many babies who aren't loved. We would have been wonderful parents. I hate You. I will never forgive You or trust You again. Father, as I spewed my anger towards you, You were engineering an abundance of love to pour into our lives. You motivated people to care for our broken hearts. You knew You loved the baby far more than we did. You knitted our baby in our womb. You nourished it and watched over it. You took our baby into Your arms after they left our world and You held them close, beaming with joy at the new life looking upon their Creator. You, the God of the universe, shed tears of joy. You also shed tears of sadness for us. Your love for us is everlasting and amazing. You hate to see us suffering. However, this broken world of rebellion claims victims every hour. Humans rebelled from You and it brought suffering into a creation You never intended to experience pain. Could You have saved our baby? Yes. However, our baby was rescued from a great deal of heartache in this world. He or she will never know sadness and tragedy. Father, thank You tonight for delivering our precious bundle of joy into paradise without a lifetime of hardship. Thank You that we will see him or her one day. Amen.
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