Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#622 - A Prayer for My Facebook Friends
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I'm thinking tonight about my Facebook friends past, present, and future. I sense many of them are hurting. They are longing to feel love and to be loved. They long to feel relevant and that their lives are meaningful. May they know tonight that You follow their lives each hour. You like them. You desire to be their real friend, not just electronically but spiritually and emotionally. You are with them and You care about what's going on in their lives, both big and small. I thank You that each one has a unique and special story of Your love. I ask that Your compassion, grace, mercy, kindness, generosity, and love fills each of their lives. Meet their needs. Protect their spirits. Be their friend each minute of their day. I cannot be there for them like that because I am not God. Father, how can my involvement with Facebook be something that ministers to people? I'm not sure how to do that tonight but I want my involvement in the social network to serve You. Show me how. Amen.

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