Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#649 - I've Made a Promise
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I have made a promise to someone. I said I will do something for them. I said I would keep a secret. I said I will be there for them whenever they need me. Father, a human must be careful making a promise. There are more pressures upon us to break a promise then there are to keep it. - We promise something just to shut people up. - We promise something but then we change our mind. - We promise something ignoring the reality that people change. - We promise something overlooking the fact that circumstances change. - We promise something overlooking the impact of stress and exhaustion. - We promise something not understanding it was morally or ethically wrong. Help me make promises carefully. May I never make a promise again foolishly. Father, faithfulness, trustworthiness, integrity, dependability, devotion, determination, and perseverance are all virtues that You want Your people to demonstrate. A broken promise does damage to each of those virtues. Father, keep me away from promises I shouldn't make. When You lead me to make a promise to someone, give me the character I need to go to my grave faithful to that promise. Amen.

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