Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#457 - Words Someone Said Hurt Me
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, someone said something painful to me. It hurt deeply. However, did this person speak the truth in love? Did they describe accurately my heart? Is this an opportunity for self-examination? Father, I thank You that You have built checks and balances into our lives through the loving mentoring of our brothers and sisters in Christ. If I am in a strong believing community, I won't be able to demonstrate godless or immature attitudes without correction from Your people. I thank You for that. Father, bring to me the messages of correction that I need from mature godly friends. May I receive the counsel with grace and may I prayerfully transform my heart. Father, a person may innocently say something to me that I misinterpret as an attack. I may do this because of my insecurities and immaturities. Father, help me to grow spiritually and emotionally. I don't want to be hypersensitive. I don't want to be searching for hidden criticism when others speak to me. I need to be carefully listening, searching for opportunities to minister to them. There are times when people say hurtful things that really are wrong for them to say. They may be rebellious from you, thinking themselves to have the authority to evaluate my life when they lack insight, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of what You are doing in my life. They may be venting, expressing a deep inner angst that has nothing to do with me. They may be worn out. Stressed. Exhausted. Father, in these situations, I need to be compassionate to the person. How did what they say to me reveal their need for spiritual encouragement? Help me to let go of the "hurtful" words people express to me. I want to look in the mirror and change my heart or I want to ask myself how I can help that person who is clearly in a difficult place in their life. Amen.

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