#528 - Make Me a Better Friend - Part 1
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Dear Father, I'm not a good friend. I know I'm not. I'm selfish. I don't like admitting it but I interact with my friends because I want something from them. Love. Comfort. A favor. A gift. Encouragement. Affection. A compliment. I can ignore a friend for a time, not think about them at all, and then they come to mind when I need something. Father, this is my rebellious heart. I live to be my own god. I am at the center of my universe. I look at the people around me as servants to satisfy my needs. This is wrong. Father, if I repented of my rebellion from You, if I surrendered to You, if I put You on the throne of my life, I would come to You for everything I need. I would ask of You and then I would wait for You to deliver in Your time. Other people would become people for me to serve. How can I love them? How can I comfort them? What favor can I do for them? What gift can I give them? How can I encourage them? Do they need a hug? Do they need a compliment? Father, how I view other people is an indicator of my relationship with You. I believe that Jesus Christ lived every second of His life on earth thinking of ways He could serve other people. May I be like that. May the Holy Spirit transform my heart and mind so that I am an unconditional and sacrificial lover of people. Amen.
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