#578 - My Spouse and I Fight All the Time
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Dear Father, my spouse and I fight all the time. We fight in the morning. We fight texting or talking on the phone during the day. We fight in the kitchen after work. We fight when we cross paths in the home in the evening. We fight as we turn our backs to each other and turn out the light to go to sleep. We fight about chores. We fight about the children. We fight about money. We fight about our friends and family. We fight about our jobs and careers. We fight about the neighbors. We fight about politics and the weather. Father, I hate this. This isn't what I expected of marriage. Father, how can we heal? How can this marriage be turned around? How can our marriage be saved? Father, help us both to confess our rebellion from You. Help us to confess our desire to be our own little gods. Help us to confess our doubting of Your character and our worshipping of other gods. Help us to trust that Jesus Christ paid the price for our rebellion. Help us to surrender our lives to You. Father, the Holy Spirit will begin to transform our hearts. We will develop the capacity to forgive. We will become more patient, gracious, merciful, generous, selfless, and compassionate. We will be more capable of loving each other unconditionally. We will be more likely to come together in prayer and Bible study. We will be more likely to get Biblical counseling and to listen to the advice of godly mentors. Father, the renewal of our relationship begins when we surrender our lives to You. Help me to set the example for my spouse and then help him or her to follow my lead. Show how redeemed and rejuvenated hearts can change the course of a troubled marriage. Father, may our best years be ahead of us. I know You can bless us. Please do. Amen.
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