Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#584 - I Am in an Abusive Relationship
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, my partner verbally and physically abuses me. I have been punched and pushed. I have had my hair pulled. I have felt the horror of watching my furniture and decorations be destroyed. I've heard awful things said about me and those whom I love. I have feared for my life. I have dreaded my partner coming home. I have tipped-toed around the room; afraid I will wake him or her up. I must be careful who I talk to and who I spend my time with. My partner vents about frustrations in their workday at home in the evening. I'm ashamed to tell anyone about the abuse. I don't want to look foolish for committing my life to him or her. Besides, after the rage is over, my partner is apologetic and becomes a sweetheart. I love those moments so much. It's almost worth putting up with all the abuse just for the tender moments when the storm has subsided. However, this is no way to live. This is not a relationship that honors You. It is not a relationship that enables me to grow spiritually or emotionally. It is destructive. I can't leave for fear of my life. Father, I need to be rescued. I don't know what that looks like but I need to be rescued. Father, I need the strength that the Holy Spirit gives. I confess my rebellion to You and I ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. I surrender my life to You, trusting You to protect me and provide for me. I ask that You give me the fruits of the Holy Spirit so that I will have the strength to do what I need to do. Father, please be merciful to my partner. Help him or her see their abusiveness, may they desire to change, and may they turn to You. Father, keep me safe today. Amen.

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