Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#600 - I Had an Abortion
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I had an abortion. It torments me every day of my life. Initially, the abortion seemed easy. I quickly recovered physically and normal life resumed. However, over time, an intense remorse came into my heart. What would that baby have looked like? What would that baby's personality be like? What would it have been like being his or her mom? Father, I've learned a hard lesson about life. We grow in times of struggle. Being a teen mother would have been very hard but battling through it would have made me a stronger person. More persevering. More courageous. Father, I've learned that we do everything to avoid hardship when it is that very hardship which may make our lives more rewarding. Battling through adversity is what helps us to grow. I could have battled through the unwanted pregnancy. I could have battled through all the condemnation from others I would have received for getting pregnant outside of marriage. I could have battled through being a young mother. I could have shown to everyone how strong I can be with Your help. I was deceived into thinking an abortion was right for me by those who wanted me to be weak. I am now chronically depressed. I don't think very much of myself. I lost my relationship with the father of the baby. Abortion did nothing to save that. Father, I need forgiveness. I need spiritual and emotional healing. I confess I've been a rebel from You and I need to surrender. You only are God. Please fill me now with the fruits of the Holy Spirit so I can know what true peace is. Father, help me to share my story with other pregnant girls who are willing to listen. Please redeem my life by using my testimony to save a woman from an abortion she will live to regret. Amen.

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