#685 - I've Been a Victim of a Prank
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Dear Father, I have been the victim of a prank. I know - the people who did this to me thought it was simply light-hearted fun. However, to tell the truth, it makes me feel very gullible. Naive. Plans were made without my knowledge. There was a secret conspiracy by people to deceive me. My vulnerability was the focus of many people's attention. I feel quite humiliated. I have gone from confidence in my own intelligence and awareness to insecurity about what is going on in the world around me. It is a spiritual wakeup call for me. It is a reminder that I am not the all-knowing god I may have thought I was. I am aware now of my inadequacies and that I need You to be my God. I need to be obedient to You and to inquire of the Lord throughout each hour of the day. You are the one who knows all things. Not me. If I inquire of You, I will have insight into human nature and the world around me that comes from Your wisdom. Father, pranking someone can be a very dangerous thing. Humiliating them intentionally, even for fun, can cause sudden emotional and spiritual crises within the victim. Help me to heal from the humiliation of the prank that has been done to me. May I not be bitter and resentful to those who conspired against me. Help me to forgive them. Now that I have experienced the public embarrassment of being a victim of a prank, may I endeavor to never prank anyone in the future. If there is a spiritual lesson someone needs to learn and You have called me to deliver that message, help me to do so prayerfully, skillfully, and lovingly through private one-on-one conversations. A prank is like playing Russian roulette. We don't know how damaging the prank may be to the victim. Amen.
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