Welcome to Take Every Thought to Prayer
By Charles Wagner, founder of Gramazin,
72Stories, Gramazin Prayers for the World


#721 - I Was Negligent and Someone Got Hurt
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor

Dear Father, I was negligent and someone got hurt. I was thoughtless. I was careless. I put people in danger - physically, emotionally, or spiritually. I wasn't watching out for the best interests of others. I was fixated only on myself. I left things for people to stumble over. I said things that crushed their spirit. I led them into temptation because I wanted company in rebellion and they turned from You. I didn't care. Life is all about me. Life is about the present moment. Whatever is easy. Whatever is spontaneous. Whatever is convenient. Whatever makes me feel good. This is what happens when we live as our own god. Whatever we want whenever we want it. It is when we surrender to You that we wake up and notice there are other people in the world besides us. We notice them because You point them out to us. You say "be careful. Someone I love might get hurt." We hear Your voice and we pick up the stumbling block. We guard our words. We lead people to Christ. Father, forgive me for being my own god. I surrender my life to You. Now, by Your Holy Spirit, may I be the most thoughtful person I can be. Amen.

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