#750 - Protect My Privacy
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Dear Father, we all have thoughts. Spontaneous thoughts. In our attempts to make sense of our lives, we explore various ideas and emotions. We quickly dismiss many of thoughts because we know they are not right. Other thoughts we need more time to work through. We need time to revise them. They need to evolve. Our thoughts are like a painting on a canvass. The artist shouldn't share the art until it is completed. We shouldn't share our thoughts until they are complete too. We do share our unfinished thoughts. We have trusted friends who we ask to join us in the adventure. We want to know what they think. We seek their advice, advice that may send us in a new direction. We share with them in confidentiality, asking them to keep our disclosure close to their vest. Father, help my confidants to give me wise advice and priceless counsel. Speak through them. May their collective advice be Your voice. May You also give them the determination to protect my thoughts from the uninvited examination of fools. Unfortunately, we can be the fools ourselves. After a night at the pub, we share our raw thoughts on social media. We come across as adolescents at best or fools at worst. When we live for our own pleasure, we become our worst enemies. We end up spending countless days with a scrub brush trying to clean up the mess we have made of our reputation. Father, forgive me for my foolishness. Father, I ask that You give me the self-control of Jesus Christ when it comes to the disclosing my thoughts. May my words be few and may they be carefully checked, examined, fitted, polished, and verified before they are spoken. May what I say be wise and may it be a blessing to others. May I surrender not only my life to You but also my mouth. However, there are many people who have access to my private information. Banking institutions. The government. Employers. Medical professionals. Father, they have access to information that I may not want anyone but my confidants to see. I ask that You protect my privacy as I do business electronically in the 21st century. Protect my reputation. Protect my honor. Protect my privacy. Protect my identity. Amen.
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