#754 - I'm Joining a Protest
Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor
Dear Father, the smartphones are out and images are being recorded. My face is about to go onto the Internet to be seen by an unknown number of people. I am involved in a protest. I'm locked arm in arm with others blocking a highway. I'm holding a sign on a street corner. I'm confronting those who disagree with me in a park. It's getting bloody. Father, is this issue worth the public stand I am taking? I am convinced that You are more concerned with character than policy. You are more interested in how I honor You every day in my interactions with people than You are in my position on policies of public interest. Does my involvement with this protest discredit my character? Will people now see me as confrontational instead of loving? Will the photos of my angry face be burned into the minds of those who thought I was a Christian? Does my participation in the protest unnecessarily antagonize others, perhaps people who I have been patiently working with? Do I win a protest and lose ground in relationships? Father, I need to be careful before I join a protest. There may be implications and ramifications to my testimony. If I join a protest, may it be to defend the innocent and to care of the poor and needy. If I choose to protest, may I always do it with Your warm and peaceful heart displayed on my face. Amen.
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